Female- v. Male-Designed Organizations

According to Dr. Sasha Galbraith’s research, male- and female-designed organizations react differently to various facets of business. Here’s how:

Organizational Dimensions Female-Designed Organizations Male-Designed Organizations
Hierarchy Flat, implicit, unspoken
Power ‘with’ others
Command-and-control system well understood and followed
Power ‘over’ others
Decision processes Project and hiring decisions shared among employees Project and hiring decisions made by founder with senior management team
Project delivery process Two or more people per project
Forms, templates exist – use is optional. Assistance provided by other project managers
Back-up support is person-based
Project knowledge is person-based
High degree of volunteerism, collaboration, teamwork
One person per project
Extensive forms, templates and procedures – use is mandatory
Back-up support is technology
Project knowledge is embedded in computer system
People work autonomously, individually
Control process Social control Hierarchical control
Communication process Intensive, multi-directional, frequent, multi-channel
Used to develop trust, build relationships, shared values
Infrequent, task-oriented, top-down, formal
Used to convey information, solve problems
Reward system Hourly pay
Pay the person, egalitarian rewards
Salary pay
Pay the job, individual rewards
People Hire for interpersonal & organizational ‘fit’
Values = sharing, building relationships & trust, commitment to company & work, empathy, collaboration
Hire for skills, experience
Values = independence, self-confidence, autonomy, respect for authority, self-starter, detached professionalism
Culture ‘Family’ atmosphere
Work and life must be balanced
Values = empathetic listening, quality of life, build sense of community, work for a higher goal (inspired by founder)
Professional atmosphere
Work and life kept separate
Values = efficiency, personal achievement, logic, respect for professional accomplishments